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Artificial Intelligence Based Learning: NEP 2020 Enhancing Indian Initiatives for Multidisciplinary Education

Pooja Rathi

The phrase "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) refers to a variety of methods employed by a computing approach that imitates human intelligence to solve a given problem. It is informatics in conjunction with philosophy and psychology. A wide range of technologies that differ in complexity, adaptability, and suitability for certain issues are included in the category of artificial intelligence (AI). In all fields of innovation and research, AI has been extensively applied. Moreover, the pandemic has fundamentally changed the landscape by forcing educators to use technology for digital instructions and digital learning. Currently, 86% of educators think technology ought to be a fundamental component of education. AI has the ability to advance teaching and learning, supporting the education sector as it develops for the good of both students and teachers. In July 2020, the National Education Policy 2020 was unveiled, and it contained promising elements for digital education. When formulating the tenets of the new education policy, it was kept in mind that the necessity for online education was the most important requirement following the COVID-19 issue. This study focuses on how NEP will augment and enhance AI based learning for the endorsement of multidisciplinary education. This paper also outlines the structure of policy that places a strong focus on the need to convey the necessary technological skills at all levels of education in order to modernize India's curriculum and prepare students for the AI economy. The need of artificial intelligence and the necessity to learn coding is also discussed.

Keywords: NEP 2020, Artificial Intelligence, Multidisciplinary Education, AI initiatives, AI Challenges.
Edition: Volume 1 Issue 2 , June 2024
Pages: 1 - 9

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